Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Wii Fit Weight Loss 6 Days A Week

By Luis Galarza, Wii Fit Weight Loss.

Is Wii Fit Weight Loss Program For 6 Days A Week Work?

Many people is getting into the Wii Fit weight loss program to help keeping fit at home, I was reading a blog post today from a laddie who started using the Wii Fit 6 days a week to achieve a 9 pounds in weight loss by November 9th., which is not a big deal if she do it right. Some times is hard to believe product's advertisement in the health and fitness industry, where many items tell you that its the best thing you ca use to get in shape or keep fit at home, but a lot of these items don't deliver in their promise, and if they do it usually have a cost to expensive for regular folks to get in to it. Plus, none of those products help release stress and have a lot of fun like this Nintendo console.

Nintendo Wii marketing message it wasn't to give you a full body workout, but to give users a new fun way to play video games and burn some calories all at the same time.

A 6 days a week workout is the best way to burn fat and calories and get fit, but if you want to speed up the process you need to:
- Increase your playing time from 15 minutes to 30 minutes or one hours.

- Increase exercise repetitions to build muscle which help you burn calories.

- Wear sweat shirt and pants to burn even more fat and calories.

- If you don't have breathing problems wear a trash back under the sweat shirt to increase fat burning.

- Health news shows that mixing eating healthy with a workout can help your weight loss efforts.

These few Wii fit tips can improve your overall workout and give you much better results in less time, I'll be writing more tips to help you loose more weight using the Fit system and games in future articles, but today I want to get you started with a Wii weight loss program that I recommend many people, is simple and it works.

This exercise program is a combination of upper body and lower body cardio workout with a good yoga work out at the end to help you stretch, breath, and relax your muscles.

The Wii Fit Weight Loss Program.

OK, let's get some workout for you, like I said before is going to be really simple but it works good specially if you just starting out exercising, but if you are used to workout the only thing you can do is exercise harder and do more repetitions.

Here is the program:
1. - You are going to start with the wii fit balance board game where you need to move your waist to move the circles or with the snowboarding game that help you use your lets, waist, and balance. You need to do these one for about 10 to 15 minutes straight, with no brakes.

2. - Then you are going to change games and insert the CD for Wii Sports, and choose to play boxing. You need to play boxing for about 10 to 15 minutes with no brakes, even if you loose just keep playing.

3. - Now are going to get back to use the fit balance board, but this time you are going to use the Yoga mat for another 10 to 15 minutes, and just follow the instructions. And you all set.

Let me know if this exercise routine work for you, and come back for updates and new ways to keeping in shape at home with the balance board.



  1. Very nice article, I just got my Wii and I'm looking to get the Wii Fit and Yoga Mat by the end of this month, I love your blog I'll be back to follow your exercise tips.

    Thanks for the good info...


  2. Cool stuff, i like your tips on using the Wii Fit as a fun workout equipment for home.

    I looking forward to tell you if I lose any weight using your tips, I know I would, I just hope I can loose enough before Christmas.


  3. I think six days a week is a good way to do it, I using the wii fit around 5 to 6 days, but I not getting much results because I'm not using any type of Wii Fit workout program.

    Now with your advice I may be able to do better, let you later...

